<a href="http://home.hccnet.nl/s.vd.palen" >This is it</a>
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This is a time lapse movie i made from a webcam at the Miraflores lock in the panamacanal. 24 hours are compressed into 6m43sec.It is very interesting to see how many ships go through these locks in one day. Ps. Don't bother about the garbled up thumbnails, it's just a bad conversion on the internetarchive server and are not in the actual movie.
I created it from the jpg files with my freeware program WebcamThief and my freeware Photolapse program. WebcamThief checks known webcam locations for new jpg's and saves them with sequence numbers for easy avi file creation in Photolapse. WebcamThief will be available somewhere around Feb 2005.
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May 26, 2005 Subject:
Shoot, won't play for me either.
Only clip I've had trouble playing on IA. Sounds very interesting thou, would like to see it. Don't suppose you can render off a different copy? If you can create an MPEG-2 (instead of MPEG-4) then IA will automatically derive an MPEG-4 from it. Means spending more bandwidth on the initial upload... but if you upload an MPEG-2 makes it perfectly suited for recycling the footage in other people's videos, if you don't mind that.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
May 25, 2005 Subject:
Very cool.
This is a very cool little short video. Props for coming up and producing the idea.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 17, 2005 Subject:
The movie worked fine for me. I always wanted to see how the Panama Canal worked and this move was a great example of the technology put into place so long ago is still being used today. Thanks for the effort it took to put it together.
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January 18, 2005 Subject:
Unfortunately, this file would not play in either RealPlayer or QuickTime. Quicktime gave this error: "Either "Panama_Canal_24hr_timelapse.mp4" contains no 'moov' atom, or the file has been corrupted."